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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

they wanted such things he (the preacher) made no
doubt the missionary society in whose service he
was employed would furnish them with what they
wanted- and- that they could get no particular
answer from the chiefs at that time. But, it is
possible either you or I may hear from them
by and by

Who this preacher is, I know not. But who
ever he may be, I am sure he ought never to
have been sent to the Indians, to act so much
like a heathen himself, so contrary to the Gospel
of peace, and to the interests of the poor nations &
of the U.S and of us all who reside near the
savages- The Missionary Society of Connecticut

have had preachers in that quarter, but whether
he belonged to that or an other society, is uncertain
I should hope better of my nation state, than that
they would employ such men for christian
teachers- I hope the clergy of New England are
not for Renewing the spirit of former times aga
inst the Quakers- too much cannot be done for
the improvement of the Indians, and if that, or
any other society, would share them assistance in
the line offered by you, they certainly could do it
and still suffer the poor Indians to receive the
benefit of yours- the Natives in question are ripe
for exchanging the savage life for civilization, &
are very desirous to obtain ploughs, hoes & which you