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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

to commit it to faithful Men to carry to

where there are persons (particularly Isaac
a half blooded Wyandot who has an
excellent education) capable of reading and
explaining it to the chiefs there or if the Inter-
preter should himself see any of the Sandusky
chiefs, I desired him to explain it to them; and
told him to return the orriginal to me, with
an answer from the Sanduskey chiefs as soon as
possible, all which he promised to do. When I
receive an answer it will be communicated
to you without delay

As Cash is excessively scarce in this country &
Credit cannot be obtained but for a few days
especially on Iron Work, I shall find it necessary to
advance the Cash, if I should order the utensils to
be made which are mentioned in your address.
Besides, the mode of remiting payments to this place
in cash per mail is subject to great delays and
risques. I would therefore suggest to you, the pro-
priety of either drawing yourselves on some
friend here who would be accommodated by a
payment in Baltimore

, or apply to the Secretary
of the United States Treasury for a draft on the
collector of this district. You will know what sum
of money you can spare to devote to this object, &
if committed to me it shall be faithfully applied &
accounted for to you