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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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Two years, last spring, seven of us went
over the Ohio

, and thence to Upper San-
, at the time mentioned in the speech
that was sent to us—We were invited to
be there about the first of June, and ac-
cordingly got there about that time—but
were informed that the council was not to
be held till about two weeks after. Not
being accustomed to their mode of living,
and finding a considerable number of the
Indians at that place intoxicated with li-
quor, we were much discouraged, and
concluded we might as well return home
again. The Indians however, notwith-
standing their situation, treated us very
kindly. –We got together several chiefs of
the Wyandots, and communicated to them
our business—They informed us they
would lay it before the chiefs at the coun-
cil and return us an answer; but we have
not yet received one.

The friend who made the second commu-
nication, addressed them again as fol-

Brothers and Friends,
We were glad when we heard that sone
of our red brethren were come to this city,
and felt our minds drawn to take them by
the hand, in order that we might have an
opportunity of knowing them. As we
had not been acquainted with their situa-
tions and circumstances, we have not
been able to judge whether any thing we
had to propose to do for them would be
accepted? –Whether they were under the
necessity of applying to some other mode
for a livelihood? –Whether the game in
their country was in plenty? We have
thought, brothers, that if it should not yet
be the case that the game is scarce, it pro-
bably will be the case at some time; and
therefore we thought it would be best for
our red brethren to gibe some attention to
the cultivation of the soil. This is one of the
subjects which has claimed our considerati-
on. And feeling in our hearts that we loved
the Indians, and wished their welfare, it was
our concern that they might be instructed
to turn their attention to the cultivation
of their lands. And as we believe, broth-
ers, that we derive very great advantages
from reading books which contain much
instruction, & wishing that our brethren, the
Indians, should also derive the same advan-
tages with us, we have wished that they
should candidly let us know, whether they
desire these things, that we might do for
them whatever is in my power to do.

After a pause, the Little Turtle

“Brothers and Friends,
If there is any thing more that you have’=
to say we wish to hear it; but if not I will
make a short reply to what we have already
heard you say." He was desired to pro-
ceed; when rising on his feet he said—

Friends and Brothers,
My heart returns thanks to the Great
Spirit above, that has put it in our power
to speak to each other. My brother
chiefs, with myself, are glad that our
friends and brothers the Quakers, have
such great compassion for their red bre-

Friends and Brothers,
Your red brethren believe, that one man
--one Great Man—made all the men that
are on the earth; and that he made men
when he made the earth, and that he made
the sun, the moon and the stars to give
light and to be useful to them.

Friends and Brothers,
We now rejoice that the Great Spirit has
made you feel that we stand in need of
the assistance which you have been describe-
ing to us, and to wish if possible to render
your red brethren those services which
they now are highly in need of.

Brothers and Friends,
It appears to us, your red brethren, that
you have been kept in the straight path by
the Great and Good Spirit. We have been
led astray by inferior spirits: we now hope
that we may come upon your track and
follow it.

Brothers and Friends,
The long and destructive wars that
have raged in the country of your red
brethren, since your fathers first camea-
mongst them, have caused their numbers
to be greatly diminished. Those that have
come amongst us have very much cheated
and imposed upon us. They have found us
simple and ignorant, and have taken very
great care to keep every thing from our
knowledge in order to profit by our ignor-

Friends and Brothers,
We find that you are now disposed with
open arms to receive us, and we hope the
Great Spirit will assist you, together with the
great chief of the white people, whom we
are now about to apply to for help.

Brothers and Friends,
At the treaty of Grenville, which is now
a little past six years ago, we received some
presents by the hands of the great war chief
of the Americans—(gen. Wayne)

to be sent to us by our brothers the Qua-
kers. After this treaty, I was invited by
the great chiefs of the Americans to
visit them. It is now four years since
I visited them at Philadelphia, whilst the
great council was held at that city. I had
there opportunity to see our brothers the
Quakers, and received from their mouths
some talks: all these talks I wrapped up
in my heart, and when I returned home
to my brothers, I communicated to them
faithfully all those good things which you
had told us you were desirous to do for us.

Friends and Brothers,
I am happy to say that these my red
brothers now present with me are chiefs,
who, in their own country are equally great
with myself. They were rejoiced to hear
your words delivered to them through me,
four years ago, and they are now equally
glad with myself, to hear from the mouths
of our brothers, the Quakers, the same
good words again.

Brothers and Friends,
If we understand you right, you wish to
add comfort to our women and children by
teaching us some of your ways of living. I
am glad that the Great Spirit has put this
into your hearts, and am sorry that your
exertions have not yet been successful.

Brothers and Friends,
I now assure you, that you hear the
voice of the Pattawattamy

, Miami, De-
, Shawanese, Weas, Eel river, Pi-
, Kickapoo and Kaskaskias tribes
of Indians, and that if you wish to do any
thing for any of these nations of Indians,
they will be ready at all times to receive
you—and we also will be ready at all times
to render you any assistance in our power.

Brothers and Friends,
This is the first time that the Great Spi-
rit has brought us to take our brothers,
the Quakers of Baltimore

, by the hand,
and we rejoice to hear them mention the
same things to us, that have heretofore
been mentioned to us by our brothers, the
Quakers of Philadelphia. Brothers, I some
time past received from our brothers, the
Quakers of Philadelphia, some tools amongst
which were two ploughs. I used them, & did
all I could to keep them from wearing out
--I was pleased with them: They have
now become necessary to be repaired. We
have nobody amongst us that can mend
them and they are now useless to me.

Brothers and Friends,
It is now five days since we took our
brothers, the Quakers of Philadelphia

the hand—we then talked over these things
together. They have promised me that at
their next great council, they will hold a
talk about these things, and consider what
they can do for us.

Brothers and Friends,
If our brothers, the Quakers of Balti-

, desire to do any thing for the In-
dians, I wish to give them full information
of the place where we may be found gene-
rally together. The great council of our
tribes of Indians, is held at Fort Wayne
at the time we receive our annuity from