of the
abundant use of Spiritous Liquors amongst
your people apprehending
it did them much injury &
if continued you might prevent our
being capable of
rendering you much service
Brothers We are listening to hear what you have
to say to us and have
sent you this speech appre-
hending you have not understood what has
been hereto-
fore communicated to you and lest you have
understood it we again ask you if you are willing
to have
your children instructed at home on your
own lands how to raise
plenty of corn, make
cloathes & build houses, to keep your old
men, your
women & Children warm when the weather is cold
that you may not suffer for want when game
gets scarce in your
hunting country
George Ellicott
Then adjourned
present 10 Members
The following report to the Yearly Meeting
was agreed on
We have received no accounts from the Indians