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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

the following Report

Pursuant to our appointment we set out
on a visit to the Indians the 7th of the 5 Mo last
and after passing through two of their towns arrived
on the 3rd of the most month at upper Sandusky

the principal village of the Wyandotts where we
met with a friendly reception from Tarhic the
head Chief and others of that Nation

Upon confering with them we found a mis-
take had been made in the translation of the
speech which they sent to friends, respecting the
time of opening their great Council which they
now informed us began annually at the full
moon in this month and finding it would be
difficult to procure subsistance for ourselves & horses
here until that time We concluded it would
under our present circumstances, be best to
propose to Tarhic

a conference with him &
the other Chiefs who were then at San Dusky
which was accordingly agreed to, and at the time
appointed we met him and two other chiefs at
his own house, when we had a full opportunity
with them on the subject of our visit

Our communication appeard to be rec.
with great satisfaction by them and in their
answer deliverd to us on some strings of Wampum