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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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Arts amongst that people, and it appears their
situation demands immediate attention we hope a
spirit of liberality will be manifested and those
who find freedom to subscribe are desired to put their
contributions into the hands of the following Friends
who are now appointed to receive and apply the
same in such manner as will best answer the
benevolent intention carefully guarding against
giving offence to government org.
John Wilson

John McKim John Brown Evan Thomas Allen Farquhar John Love Caleb Kirk Jonathan Wright of Monallan Thomas Matthews Joseph Bond Jacob Berson John Butcher Benjamin Walker Israel Janney David Brown Gouldsmith Chandlee Moses Dillon Elias Ellicott Nathan Heald & David Greave who are requested to report their proceedings to the
Meeting next year

At a meeting of the above committee on
Indian affairs held at Baltimore 10 Mo 16 1795

the members being generally present some time was
spent in a weighty attention to the subject