then will your Old Men, your
Wives, your
Children and Childrens Children live in
and enjoy the comforts of life
Brethren and Children let this admoni
tion sink deep into your Hearts
and may
you be Blessed with a clear Sky, smooth
Roads and
plentiful harvests to the end
of your days
Spirit and am in heart your friend
Jas Wilkinson
Person Information
Commander in Chief of the Troops
of the United States
After spending a short time in conversation with
James Wilkinson
Person Information
us through his Guard) and set forward on
or journey, crossed the Allegany
Place Information
velled about 33 Miles to a poor little hut
where we were obliged to put up for quarters
or Lodge in the woods, we however tied our
Horses to Stumps & and fed them with feed
we carryed with us, our lodging in the House
being on an earthen floor and very disagree
able it being the first time we had lodged