nearly ready for the plough.
In the Evening of this day agreed upon the fol-
lowing minute, which was enter’d in a book pre-
pared for the accounts of our friends at this place.
It is agreed to appoint Joel Swayne Treasurer for
the Indian concern at this place, who is desired to keep
regular entries of all the money rec’d & paid away &
to whom & for what; the quantity of dry goods received,
what parted with, to thom & upon what conditions
the quantity of grain & c. raised, what parted with, to whom & upon what conditions,
and transmit a regular statement thereof to our com-
mittee at Philada at least once a year; & these
is now left in his hands, after settling all accounts to
this time, twenty seven Dollars, and we agree to send
back by Cornplanter, from Canandarque one hun’d
Dollars more.
It may be proper to note here, that we have been
lately informed that a number of Men are now em-
ploy’d in cutting a road from the Boatable parts
of the west branch of the Susquehannah to the
mouth of Conewango creek about 25 miles down
this River.