That it was from the good Spirit they received every
good thing, & that he could hear every word they
said, and see every thing they did, and that they were
equally with the white people, objects of his tender
care & regard; and that the great disparity, which
they so frequently spoke of between them & the white
people, with regard to plenty & poverty was the na-
tural result of the different plans pursued in the
obtaining the blessings of this life, & that, as their
ground was equally good, with that possessed by
the white people, it would also be equally pro-
ductive, if the same Industry & methods of farming
were pursued.
In a few minutes after we had concluded, and
informed them so; Cornplanter observed; Now all
things are settled & done, we will cover up the Coun-
cil fire.
In the evening our young Men returned to
their own house at Genisenguhta, whilst the other
two remained at Cornplanters in Order to wait for
our Goods, and to settle some matters with him re-
lative to our leaving these parts; which we wished
now to effect, as soon as we should see our goods safely