like yourselves he drinks no whisky, he is very glad
you are going to settle so near him.
We next proposed that our young Men should
have liberty to cut wood, out of their Woods for rails
firewood & c. To which he replied, O Yes I wish you
would cut all the Trees down, and another thing
Brothers, you may have; If you see a deer Swim-
ing cross the River, or in the Woods you may shoot
him; or if you see any fish in the river you may
catch him.
The Indians, generally, in this place, being
much unacquainted with writing, & appearing
so heartily to confide in us as to give up, without
any reserve all their Land to our choice, we
believed it best not be very particular in de-
termining our boundaries, nor to propose any
formal Articles of Agreement between them
& our young Men, lest it should have a tenden-
cy to create a suspicions & lesson that unlimited
confidence they at present appear to repose in
Agreeably to the treaty of last Summer, this
reservation is to contain 42 square Miles, to be
laid of in such shape as the Indians shall direct