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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joshua Sharpless diaries, Vol. 1 1798

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the point of his knife into it, kiped it into the Kettle
of Oil & ate it, we followed his example & made
a temperate meal.

The name of this village is Jenuchshadaga, it is
situate on the Allegany in Pennsylvania about 4
Miles below the New York line; the Land is Corn-
planters private property; he has 660 acres in this
Tract; & two contiguous Islands, one of 66 & the other
of 53 acres besides a Tract of 303 acres below Franklin
his land at Hickry Town between here and Franklin
he has sold to Dr. Wilkins: most of the Indians under
his particular superintendance, have left their old settle-
ment about nine Miles up the River in the New York
State & are settled with their Chief in this place.

This evening after we were lain down Cornplanter’s
son Henry came to us & informed, his father would be glad
to hear what we had to say to them before the council met
we gave him expectations that he should hear our letter
in the morning.

6th day 18th

Agreeably to the proposals of last evening
Cornplanter, his Son Henry, & one or two more, came
into our lodging Apartment early in the morning to
hear what we intended to say to them in council, we