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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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tubs they went into the river & were
driven off with freshes. Thence to
Schenectady 13 ½ miles, the land thin
& stony with but little bottom land
on the river. We had the water
often in view, & tho’ we have seen
but few streams of consequence running
into the river since we left Fort
, yet it has increas’d very
much in width. Where we lodg’d
last night, our landlord said it was
60 yards wide, in many places since
I suppos’d it to be from 100 to 150
& at Schenectady where we ferry’d
it, we were inform’d it was 60
perches wide. The town made a
pretty appearance from the opposite
shore; it was situated on the south
side of the river, appear’d to be
a considerable place, with many