young men are settled whom Cornplanter
said, as heretofore noted, was a sober man
like ourselves & would drink no whiskey
we have had some opportunity of proving
this assertion, being several days with him
at the tavern at Buffaloe, where the
Indians were drinking spirits & I did
not see him meddle with any. We
now left the state road, turning to our
left thro’ a country but little inhabited,
an open woods, & thin land, until with-
in 2 miles of Mud Creek, here was
heavy timber & good land; we lodged
at Jacob Smiths, who has a mill &
saw mill on said creek, on a fine
natural fall. 20 miles to day. 19th
Went to Nathan Combstalk’s, 6 miles
through good land heavily timber’d
part of which was very fine white oaks,
rested here until after dinner, then