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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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from the river is lower ground, which ap-
pears more fertile. Our horses since we
came among the Indians have run out,
at large, without any enclosure, they have got-
ten pretty plenty of coarse grass, in most
places we have been, and other herbages,
but here they get plenty of grass, and that
which is very good.


Our young men this morning plan-
ted some potatoes, and they are now
engaged in preparing ground for the
plough, having since we came up, bor-
rowed some tools of Cornplanter.
This morning we had a present of fish, on
which we expect deliciously to dine.
our young men having prepared bobs
in order to try to cath some eels; this
evening set off up the river in a canoe,
but there being several rapids in the
river to ascend, which for want of