more experience in working the vessels
they failed in their attempt to get
up one; the canoe turning across the
stream, presently turn’d bottom-up-
wards, so that some of them got very
wet, which put an end to their eel-
catching; shortly after their return, we
had several very heavy showers, which con-
vinced us our house was not proof against
rain, for it beat in at the end, roof, and
several other places.
We have been keeping house about a week,
and experience much inconvenence for
want of our goods, having but five tins,
three spoons, and a camp-kettle, and
a small frying pan, which we borrow-
ed of the Indians; for dish cloths and
towels we are much at a loss, as we
are for soap when we wash our clo-
thes. The want of something to