and having supped on our own, prepa-
rations, which admitted of but little change
we prepared for bed, in our open house
and naked walls; the Indian chief at
our request sent us three dear-skins with
the hair on, which we placed for our con-
venience, and retired, but before morning
we sensibly felt the want of a beter bed,
and more covering, the night being cold,
we were under the necessity of rising
several times to renew our fire.
Our house is about 20 feet long, and 14
wide, 6 feet high to the square; covered
with bark and a shed over the door, and
finished within as Indian other Indian
buildings mostly are, it stands on an
elevated spot, within five Perches of the
river on its north-west side, the soil
about said house, is of a light, sandy
quality, easily tilled; But further