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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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of level plough land adjoining which
appeared good, a large stream of wa-
ter not far off, and a noble spring just
by the door large enough to turn a mill
yet it is not know that there is any lime
stone in this neighbourhood, neither
have I seen any since we left Pittsburg
Oyl creek is so named, from an oyly sub-
stance, that is gathered off its waters, either
from springs that rise near its margin, or
from of the stream in different places;
we were informed, that one man gathered
three barrels last year which he sold at
Pittsburg at four dollars per gallon. It is
called Seneca oyl and is in as great demand
as medicine.


A large white frost which has been the
situation of the last 5 or 6 mornings. Set
off for brokenstraw a large water. About
two miles of very good land down the waters
of Oyl creek.