very faithful in their undertaking. they gave us great
satisfaction, by their good behavour, we wish over to have
such useful Friends set by us; but it seems it is the
will of the good Spirit that
Henry Simmons, must return
Home this fall, we feel sorry to think how we shall be
as it were Longsome in his absence, but we hope you
will encourage him to come see us again; and he is
able to inform you every particular relative the
welfare of the Tribes Living on this Country. farewell
Joseph Shawqualhquak
Hendrick Aupaumut
Joseph Quinney
John Quinney
John Wautubqonaut
Solomon Quakmut
Isaiah Rowland
John Peirce
Joseph Sansom
James Cooper &
the rest of our good Friends of your Sosiety
New Stockbridg 9mo 9th 1797
Henry Simmons Junr His Book The year 1797