mantain it bright. Brothers We now hear-
tily thank you for your great kindness, and at
the same time assure you, we will endeavour to
follow the good path which you have pointed out
for us to walk; and we hope that in future Day
you will rejoice that what you done for us, was not
vain. The kindness which you have shewn to
us, is by this time sounded in the Ears of our allies
the different nation towards the sunseting, for it
is the Custom of our fore Fathers when any thing
is done for them by white people, all their friends
or allies must have the knowledg of it. if our
fore Fathers had receved such kindness, such way
of help by their white brothers, who got all their
Country; as we have received from you, we might
have been able to become useful Citizens of this
Island, but they were not allowed to have such
priviledges. Brothers, once more listen,
We had the pleasure to see your young men
who you left here to stay with us, they have been