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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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ters unto you. Commending them at the Same
time into the hand of kind providence and to your
kind Gardian. We hope that by the blessing of
the good Spirit, they Shall be profitable to us, you
may teach them as you shall judg proper.
Sisters, We have long wished that some of
our Children should be thus Teached, but pover-
ty has prevented us not giving them that opertunity
Sisters, Now to conclude with our Sincere
thanks for the kindnesses you sent to us as a token
of your Love; We hope by the help of the good
Spirit, we shall ever be able to maintain our
Friendship with you.

This is from your
Poor Sisters in the Wilderness, farewell. Eve Knuhkaunmuw
Lydia Aupaumut
Elizabeth Joseph
Catherine Nauhowwesquoh
Hannah West
Sarah Newlin
Rachel Hunt
Rachel Valentine
Chester County