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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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A Copy of a Letter from a principal Chief of
the Stockbridg Nation To Henry Sim-
mons Senior
New Stockbridg 11 mo 7th 1797

Henry Simmons;

My Dear Brother, Although I never had thee
pleasure to see the personally, yet I feel love for thee
since I first heard about thee, I have been persuade
on my mind, that thou must be true Man; that
thou hast encouraged thy Son, to come up here
to assist us poor Indians, and I hope by the
help of the Great Good Spirit, his labours in many
instances are blessed, and by his faithfulness as
well as usefulness, he is well beloved most by all our
people. Brother, I am exceedingly Satisfied
in receiving a kind letter from thee, I was elevated
when I come to read it; for it contains most
excellent words of our Saviour, for which I now
thank thee. Brother, I will inform thee that
my Counsillors are of one mind in endeavoring to