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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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A Copy of a Letter wrote by an Indian Man of
the Mohiconick Tribe. To John Parrish, Philada

My Friend
I doubt not but thee would glad to see
my (tho’ poor) writing, once more. I inform thee
the Losses I met with this year; number of my relations
are taken away by Death; My Dear little Child, that
was born at Canodarque is also Dead, but Blessed
be the Great Good Spirit to do his pleasure among the
Inhabitants of the Earth; that by his Providence Teaches
Mankind as well as by his Holy Spirit, to know the va-
nity of this world, and that they should seek another
which endureth forever, which Everlasting Covenant
has perchased by his own precious Blood for Sinnne-
rs (Even whom I am Chief) I am not so healthy as usual,
and my whife has been Poorly this great white; but I
hope that all these afflictions will Lead me to under
stand the ways of God, and Men, that I may be
enabled by his Gracious assistance to put my whole
trust in him

Soloman Quackmut
To John Parrish New Stockbridg 4 mo 3th 1797