maintained good Friendship towards the different Tribes
of Indians, we find no other people that seems to be so
near to our hearts.
I will also inform you that there are Ten Wo-
men of this Town, who profess to be the followers of Jes-
us Christ, who love your people, we find that it is a hap-
py priveledg to know somthing of the ways of the good
Spirit. The Lord has been pleased to give me six
Children two girls four Boys, There Dear Souls I desire
to instruct in the fear of the Lord; That they may re-
member there Creator in the days of there Youth.
We have experience many hardships since we live in
this Wilderness, Still we will press forward.
We are well satisfied with the conduct of our Bro-
thers Enoch Walker, and the rest, who I look upon
as the true servants of the Great Spirit. Enoch is
about to set out homewards, who can inform you
what he has seen among us. farewell
To Margaret Elliott
New Stockbridg 9 mo. 8th 1796