are looking to see what will be the affect of your unde-
rtaking, some expect you will be discouraged in a short
time. and further be it known to you, that we have had
the opportunity to send information to our friends the
different Tribes who lives great ways toward the sun set-
ing, of your kindness toward us, and your friendship
to all Indian Tribes. They will also looking on to see what
will be the consequence of your undertaking. And will
know that Great Good Spirit is Looking, and also the
Dark Spirit is busy to interfere of such good work.
Our hearts are with you, we are fully de-
termined to promote Civilization among our own People
because we think it will be discouraging if not one Indian
Nation can be found who will become as Civilized Peo-
ple, after they had so much help, That at the same
time we will acknowledg, we can do nothing good
without the help of the Good Spirit, we find ourse-
lves are like Children who just begin to walk, who
apt to take missteps, but our midns are to go forward
and lead our Children on the good path, so that when