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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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I now stretch forth my hand & wipe of your tears, that you
may see your Grand Children in real appearance, In Like
manner I clean your Ears that you may hear plainly, the
voice of your GrandChildren, and also I clean your thro-
at and Loosen your Tongue that you may speak freely.

While I’m busy, also, I find that your hea-
rt is hang Downwards, for an account of many Losses
in your Nation these many Days, and according to the
Customs of our forefathers, I now set your Heart upright
and Lay aside all the different sounds which white birds
have sounded in your Ears, that you may without Prej-
udice be enabled to consider what your Grand Children
may say to you.

Having done so much then I see mud all
over your legs and feet an account of the Long Muddy pa-
th on which you have walked through. I now wash
your Legs & feet, But still I discover some bryers &
Thorns stick fast on your feet, then I pull out every
one of them, I take wees-quos in which our ancesters
used to put healing oil, and oil your Legs & feet, that