And the
Six Nations and each of them will forever
allow to the People of the States free passage through
the Lands, and the free use of the Harbors and Rivers
adjoining and within their respective tracts of land,
for the Passing and securing of vessels and boats
and Liberty to land their Cargoes when necessary
for their Safety.
Article 6th In consideration of the Peace and
Friendship hereby Established, and of the engagem-
ents entered into by the Six Nations, and because
United States desire with Humanity and kindness
to contribute to their Comfortable support, and to
render the Peace and Friendship hereby Established
strong and perpetual, the United States now deliver to
the Six nations and the Indians of the other Nat
ions residing among and united with them, Quan
tity of Goods, of the value of Ten Thousand Dollars
and for the Same consideration, and with a view
to Promote the future welfare of the Six Nations
and of their Indians Friends aforesaid, the United
States will add the Sum of Three Thousand