for we mean to Set before you a clear Example, if your will agree to follow it.
3rd Now Brothers. We trust that we Possess your conf-
idence unmixed with any Jelousies, or fears, and we request you
to Listen Patiently and attentivly, to what we are going to Propose
to you for your own good, and if any part of it Displeases you
Tell us so, and we will reconsider it;
4th Brothers Three of our Friends intend to stay with you,
for those purposes, Namely,
Jacob Taylor,
Henry Simms, Junr.
Enoch Walker, but they are not bound to remain by any
thing but good will, Neither are they obliged to work more than
they think necessary, nor to be altogether among you, as they are
to go sometimes to
Stockbridg, &
brothertown. We Ear
nestly desire that none of you may Discourage them, by Swearing,
Idlness, Drunkenness, or misbehavour, for these things are very Dis
agreeable to us, as you know they are to the good Spirit.
5th Brothers You know we must have some Land to work upon,
and we Shall like to begin upon that part of the common that
Lies west of the path from
Skennendos to Stockbridg South of the
road to
Onondargo, East of the Boundaries of the old Fort, and
North of the
Skennendo Creek, excepting any part thereof now
occupied by your Families.
6th Brothers If we think their is Encouragement to undertake
more an another year, we Shall ask you for it Seasonable, and