We chiefs must inform you, as you are superintendant
that bad thing happen in our Nation, last saturday we very sorry
we hope you will not be angry with us about it, when you know truth
about it. One William belong Oneida Nation, very bad man - he kill
one wife in Oneida. he then ran away come among us - take wife in
our nation. he get drunk very often. beat his wife very much many
times, most kill her, he often say he would kill some our people. last
saturday he come home drunk, he try to kill his son - a young chief -
he knife from his father. his son break it run to bush where his
mother and children make sugar soon William follow him - come
to camp all run in to busk but one young man brother to Wm
wife, he had come from grand river to visit. he would not run.
he think William had gun - most dark - he think he heard gun
snap - Wm stand behind a tree he then shot at Wm with small
shots - Wm then gaoway, he lay all night in cold - next morn-
ing was found dead may be froze mere Death than shot kill him
we do not know. Monday be buried him. The young man that
kill him gone grand River we hope you will advise what is right-
we send you knife broke you may see it. we hope you will
not think murder. our whole nation mourn. We hope our Nation
will not be blame. We mean to keep sabbeth & hear gosple
& try to persuade all our nation not drunk whisky. We sham’d
any our people get drunk. we wish you send letter by young
man bring this - and tell when you come see. he want to
see you here our fireplace. we send our love to you.
the above letter was written by
Nicholas Cusick a chief of the
Tuskarora Nation who had
been taught to read and write