Britain and
The Bearer our beloved friend Wm Jackson,
in a solid and affecting manner mentioned to this our Mo Meeting
at Newgarden that he hath for several years past, and latterly with increasing
weight and clearness felt his mind drawn in Gospel love to pay a
religeous visit to friends in Ireland, some parts of Great
Britain and elsewhere in Europe, as truth may open the way which
claiming the our solid attention; after a time of serious deliberation
a general approbation appeared, and heartfelt simpathy and
unity exprest with him on his weighty & important undertaking.
We hereby certify on his behalf, inform you that he is a Minister
in good esteem amongst us, his Doctrins sound and edifying
and his life and conversation corresponding with our holy profession
and haveing settled his outwar’d affairs to satisfaction we
resign him to the protection of the Shepperd of Israel who
putteth forth his own and goeth before them in the prosecution of his Journey concern, fervently desireing
his preservation under the at direction of the Great Master who
putteth forth his own and goeth before them; and that his
Gospel labours among you May be blest to your edification and to
the honour of the cause in which he has embarked, that when the
work asigned him your quarter of the world may be accomplished
he may if consistent with the divine will be permitted to return
to his family and friends again in peace.