When I call’d to See thee at John Hunts the day thou was as our
meeting it was my inlintion to have had some conversation
with the on the subject of thy communication but so much
company being present and the time of thy stay so short
there seem’d to be no suitable oppertunity, & since reflecting
on it more maturely I have not felt quite easy with some
things thou communicated. Accordingly, I call’d again
on thee yesterday with that view, but finding thee engag’d with
a number of friends, I found a private oppertunity could
not be obtain’d which is most desirable on such occasions
I have therefore thought best to address thee by writing
& I feel the more freedom so to do as from the little acquain
tance I have had with thee I am induc’d to believe that well
meant advice will be duly regarded, though it may come
from the least child in the family.
I could freely acknowledge the fare part of thy commu-
nication was satisfactory to me and contain’d many gospel
truths, but when thou suffer’d thy mind to be led off into
outward circumstances and to treat on the passing events
of the day, the divisions of sentiments in society & I appre
hend the light than wast favour’d with in the begining was
very much eclips’d & than advanc’d some things that
do not altogether correspond with the Doctrine of our early
friends if I have rightly understood their writings.
I don’t know that I can repeat the expressions correctly
But am I correct mistaken my friend, when I understood thee to convey an Idea
that "we are responsible for not behaving what we cannot
understand or comprehend; that the blood of Christ was
not the life of Chrise, & that a belief in the Spirit of Christ
within was not alone sufficient to effect our Salvation."
We are told in the Scriptures that "the secret things belong unto
the Lord our good: but those things that are revealed belong unto
us & to our Children forever." Dut.29. & 29. If then reveal’d to us
that must be made plain to our comprehension & understanding
otherwise they cannot be a revelation to us, and therefore
must remain among the inscrutable things of the almighty