Although I dont feel at
this time as if I could communicate
any thing that might be useful or
interesting to thee yet supposeing that
in a few days more thee and thy valued
Companion would be about leaving Balti-
more for the western Countrey, I thought
I thought I would take the oppertu-
nity of saluting you before you got to
a greater distance and possibly it may
be a means of having a place in your rem-
embrance when we are further seperated-
It was a pleasant little Tour to me
and my wife as far as we accompanied
you and we reach’d home in good time
that evening and found our little flock
well. last first day we had the agreable
company of William Pool and wife to dine
with us. they were well.
I trust you meet with kind friends
in every place, and this I have sometimes
thought added to the secret consolation of
of being found in the every of our duty
makes up for the privations we suffer