In order to make good my promise I
now take up my pen in order to communicate
a few lines which I design to meet thee at Downingstown
Supposing thou may probably reach that in a
few days from thee time. I have not had much
account from thee since we parted except yesterday
I saw John Wards Daughter in the City who inform’d
me they had a Letter from her father which gave an
account that you were getting along well & that thy
health was improveing which was satisfactory to
hear. I also had some account of your meetings at
Londongrove & Newgarden & at the Latter place there
seem’d to be somewhat a famine of the word which
perhaps is often sometimes the best preaching where
the people have itching ears. My mind has often
been with thee in thy passage along through these
meetings with desires that these might be furnished with best
help in every needful time to divide the word
aright and minister to the different states of the
people in that ability which is desired from
the source & fountain of all good, for my other
preaching that that which the apostle describes
to be by the power of the holy Ghost send down from
Heaven & which is in the demonstration of the
Spirit will not be likely to profit the people or
bring peace to those that minister. This assurance my
dear friend that that the evidence of this
soul has attended thy Labours I trust has
often been vouchsafed as a shield to thy tried
mind in times of deep conflict when the
heavens might appear as Brass & the earth as
beads of Iron about thy head, the road dea as it