I pursued with a Single eye the most difficult road I ever travel’d
and reach’d my Companions again a little before Dark after
being away eight Days and traveling 160 or 70 miles.
I believe I receiv’d no injury to my health from this Journey which
I thought a great Favour.
I have not much to add at present as there is an Indian
waiting for the letter but may just say that my present source
of happiness continues to be a conviction that I stand in my
proper allotment and an evidence of the divine presence which
I am often favour’d to feel in a Conspicuous manner.
I expect some of you will be looking for my return the ensuing
Summer but I can say nothing to that yet. Henry Simmons
has wrote to the Committee his prospect of return and if
some others should come forward perhaps I may be released also
but be that as it will I yet feel no anxiety about it believing
that it is good for me to be here.
I hope You will be careful to write timely in the Sp
that letters may come forward with the article that come
from the Committee.
Please to give my love to Sisters and all that
enquire after me So wishing all your preservation in
the one unchangeable truth and a Close attention to the
Dictates thereof, I conclude and remain thy
Halliday Jackson