The day proved very wet & I soon found I should have to lay
in the woods that night. I traveld on till about 3 oClock
when I came to where the path forkt, and the nearest one home
I was not acquinted with, but knowing the Difficulty of the other
I thought I could not be much worsted if I did get lost in comeing
the nigh road, & so pursueing it till about an hour up Sun
I concluded it was time to look about for lodgeing, and getting
on to the Side of a hill a little sheltered from the Wind I gathered
some of the dryest wood I could find, and haveing plenty of punk
I thought to have a fire in a hurry, but every thing being so damp
and wet with all my efforts I could not bring it into a blaze altho
I workt faithfully for more than an hour. at linght wearied with
blowing I finally gave it over, and resolv’d as the best expedient to seek
Shelter under some friendly Log, nor had I much time to make Choice of
one as dark was comeing on, but haveing chosen the best one I
could find which was elevated a little from the Ground, I cut some
Hemlock bows and spread under me, fit one of my Blankets over
, Tied my horse to sapling and fed him with Corn, eat some Victuals
my-self and then Crosst into the Den I had made, where I lay
till morning, often being Saluted by the Wolves and Wild beasts
that set up a tremendous yauling some distance from me, but yet
I was dream’d I was at home in
Newgarden. As soon a Morning
appear’d I crept out of my den, stript of my stockins and ran
thro’ the Snow to warm my feet, eat a bite of Victuals and so
left my Temporary lodgeing ‘rather better than I found it.
I went on pretty well till about 9 Oclock when I got of the
path and wandered through the wood, among some mountains
a considerable time, where I began to conclude I should have to
lay in the woods another night, as I suppos’d it take me till near
sunset to reach home if I went on at the best rate. However at
length by the help of a pocket Compass and my Judgement of
the Course I was favour’d to get into the right path again which