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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Halliday Jackson Correspondence 1799-1824

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the Village Who could Talk some english he kindly invited us to
his house, and gave us such Lodgeing as he had which was some rough
dirty plank yet the addition of our blankets make it feel like a
paradise to me as I was extremely fatigd with the Journey. Next
morning I took a walk through the Village to procure some Bread
and meat which I got at my own price. There is 30 or 40
houses enclos’d with a fence in a pretty green pasture, they have
a good many Cattle, abundance of Swine and fowls and situated
in the most fertile Country I ever saw, the woodland abound
ing with large Sugar Maple and black Walnut of an enormous
Size. I felt rather weary to return homeward, that day and
concluded to go with my companion dauwn to Lake Erie wh
about 6 miles from the Village, wher he expected to get a passage
by water to Buffalo about 36 miles from that place. When we
got there the Lake was dreadful rough so that no boats could
go on it and exhibited a prospect somewhat gratifying to me
as I had never saw so large a water before. We return’d to a black
mans house about a mile from the Lake who kept a kind of a
Tavern very injurious to The Indians in the Neighbouring Villages.

Here we consulted a while & although I was pretty well Tir’d
already I concluded to go as far as Buffalo as it was good traveling
along the Beach of Lake Erie. According we set forward about
two Oclock and that Night lay on the Beach very comfortably
where the dashing of the mighty waves prevented us from hear
ing any wolves. Next day about noon we reach’d buffalo
Where there is about a dozen houses inhabited by White people
situated on high ground commanding an extensive prospect
of the Lake, and opposite Fort Erie on the British shore.
about 4 mile above this place on the Creek is the Indian Village
where the Farmers Brothers and the Mean Body of the Seneca
live. I was now with in about 20 miles of the Great Falls
of Niagara
to which place I had a strong inclination to go, but have
ing no company and the Niagara river to Cross I declined the notion
and next morning returned homewards home haveing about 80