the Collo
Person Information
& proposed to speak to them in 2 Days. we Returned to our Lodgings
I was Pleased with the Coll.
Person Information
that the Good Spirit who Made & Placed us here, it was in
order that we Should Be Happy & Live in Love one with
another which was the way to obtain it &c.
who some Times Visets that Place we Agreed if our
Landlord was willing we would set Down togather in his
House which he Readily agreed to & We informed as Many
as we well could of the Meeting & we had the Company
of aBought 50 & it was a good Meeting & I & Wm. Savery
Both Spoke, the People Behaved Soberly we informed the
Onida Indians Several Being at the Meeting that
we Intended
to go in after noon to there Camp & Set with them if they
would inform there People which they Did & we Sat
Down on Some Logs togather with I Believe 50 White
People who had got By Some Means to Know of the Meetig
after a Short Silence the Indians By there Interpreter Desird
to Sing an Hymn which we did not forbid thinking it best
to leave them at Liberty then abought 12 of Began & Sang
in there own Language which I thought Exceeded any
thing of the Sort I had Ever Heard Before Both on account
of there Superior Voice & the Solidity of the Manner of
there Doing it after they had Done Wm S & J P
in which Labor I thought they were Favoured
the People Behaved Very Soberly we parted from our
Indian Brethethren in Love & Returned to our lodgings.
the Indians Sung an other hymn before we Parted with like Solidity
Place Information
the week we were Informed late in the Morning that
the Schoolhous which we
had to hold our Meeting in the
2 firsts Days Before was taken up By a
Organization Information
who some Times Visets that Place we Agreed if our
Landlord was willing we would set Down togather in his
House which he Readily agreed to & We informed as Many
as we well could of the Meeting & we had the Company
of aBought 50 & it was a good Meeting & I & Wm. Savery
Person Information
Both Spoke, the People Behaved Soberly we informed the
Onida Indians
Organization Information
to go in after noon to there Camp & Set with them if they
would inform there People which they Did & we Sat
Down on Some Logs togather with I Believe 50 White
People who had got By Some Means to Know of the Meetig
after a Short Silence the Indians By there Interpreter Desird
to Sing an Hymn which we did not forbid thinking it best
to leave them at Liberty then abought 12 of Began & Sang
in there own Language which I thought Exceeded any
thing of the Sort I had Ever Heard Before Both on account
of there Superior Voice & the Solidity of the Manner of
there Doing it after they had Done Wm S
Person Information
Person Information
in which Labor I thought they were Favoured
the People Behaved Very Soberly we parted from our
Indian Brethethren in Love & Returned to our lodgings.
the Indians Sung an other hymn before we Parted with like Solidity