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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Diary, Visit to Indians

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the Collo

Took what they had to say into consideration
& proposed to speak to them in 2 Days. we Returned to our Lodgings
I was Pleased with the Coll. advice to them Reminding them
that the Good Spirit who Made & Placed us here, it was in
order that we Should Be Happy & Live in Love one with
another which was the way to obtain it &c.


the week we were Informed late in the Morning that
the Schoolhous which we had to hold our Meeting in the
2 firsts Days Before was taken up By a Prisbyteren

who some Times Visets that Place we Agreed if our
Landlord was willing we would set Down togather in his
House which he Readily agreed to & We informed as Many
as we well could of the Meeting & we had the Company
of aBought 50 & it was a good Meeting & I & Wm. Savery
Both Spoke, the People Behaved Soberly we informed the
Onida Indians Several Being at the Meeting that we Intended
to go in after noon to there Camp & Set with them if they
would inform there People which they Did & we Sat
Down on Some Logs togather with I Believe 50 White
People who had got By Some Means to Know of the Meetig
after a Short Silence the Indians By there Interpreter Desird
to Sing an Hymn which we did not forbid thinking it best
to leave them at Liberty then abought 12 of Began & Sang
in there own Language which I thought Exceeded any
thing of the Sort I had Ever Heard Before Both on account
of there Superior Voice & the Solidity of the Manner of
there Doing it after they had Done Wm S & J P Spake
in which Labor I thought they were Favoured
the People Behaved Very Soberly we parted from our
Indian Brethethren in Love & Returned to our lodgings.
the Indians Sung an other hymn before we Parted with like Solidity