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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.2

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nearly N West. here we bid adieu to the Al

& passg this a Rich Country, reachd
Stephen Hazeltines before 4 oClock calld
20 miles from Tunasassa, Road Rough & mud


27th our Bed, last night not being calculated
to Induce a morning Indulgence we rose before
Day eat our Breakfasts & set off before it
was light- in a little way Riding fell into
the Indian Path which we pursued upwd
of 20 miles & take it all together perhaps
the worst Road we have passd over any Day
before- Moses concluded that after this he
should not be afraid of any sort of Road
& I thought while riding on a long sideling Hill
which really seemd Dangerous I should be wis
hing our Friends at home should have a peep
at us, could they have also had an assurance
that we should get thro this safely, as was the care
not by our own might or management but
under the protecting care of the Omnipotent
Arm for which may our acknowledgements
were as acceptable Incence to Him.
-- part of our Way was up the little Valley

then across the Broad Mountain 5 miles
over & next the Hog back Mountain 6
miles over- on this for miles our path lay
on the Crown of the Hill & the descent
immediately & in some places steep, on
either hand- We also several times forded
Cattarangus Creek in its Different branches
& then the main Creek- The soil rode even
to Day has been generally good & the Timber