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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.2

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fine even on the Mountains- here we saw
Chestnut Trees which we supposed 6 & of feet
over (perhaps more)- also Poplars, Hemlock,
Sugar Maples, Ash, Cucumber Trees, Beech &c.
very large- near the main Catt. Creek lay a
body of sand much coverd with Black Walnut
& as rich as Bank Meadow- about the mid
dle of our Journey we fed our Horses & eat a
biscuit at a place of Indian Encampment &
before this had passd as Grave enclosd in
the Indian manner where Jacob

told us
a man was buried who perished in the
Woods about 4 years ago on his way from
Buffaloe to Cold Spring- his Horse first Died
& himself about 8 miles further- was warnd
before setg out of the Danger of Perishing
but said he was so much like Iron
there was no Danger- We also met
an Indian on Horseback from Grand Ri
going to see the Allegany Indians, to
some of whom he was related- Jacob
talkd with him, informg our Bu
siness &c. - He replied in substance
that he was pleasd with meeting us- & with
the Business we were engagd in, and wish
ing us preservation & safety on our