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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.2

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34 very often- beat his Wife very much,
many times most Kill her- he often say he
would Kill some our People- Last Saturday
he come home Drunk- he try to Kill his
Son, a young Chief,- he knife from his
Father- his son break it,- run to Bush
where his Mother & Children make Sugar,
soon William follow him,- come to camp- all run into Bush but one young
Man brother to William Wife- he has
come from Grand River

to Visit- he would
not run,- he think William had Gun
most Dark- he think he hear Gun
Snap- William Stand behind Tree,-
he then shot at William with small
shot,- William then go away- He lie
all night in Cold, next Morning was
found Dead- may be froze more Death
than Shot Kill him- we do not
know- Monday we buried him-
the young Man that Kill him gone
Grand River- We hope you will ad
vise what is right- we send Knife
broke you may see it- we hope you
will not think Murder- Our whole
Nation Mourn- We hope our Nation
will not be blame- we mean to Keep