that she has been orderly - there are
too many proofs that
this is only a preten
ded shyness, yet being santioned &
blished by custom it is productive of se
rious Evils - The Indians
appear to be as
well calculated and to possess talents for so
cial and
rational enjoyment as
any people, but custom putting a nega
tive on an
open friendly acquaintance
of the sexes, the natural tendency whereof
would be the improvement of their mind
and a knowledge of the good
qualities one
of the other, with the undesigned pro
duction in many
instances of permanent
attachments -they enter into Marie-
age very
early before their judgment
in ripe for the choice, without affec
& without a knowledge of each
others dispositions - the
of which is that separations often
take place, so that
there are many
instances now here of Men who have
turned off several
wives, and of women
who have discarded as many hus
bands - there on
both sides marry
again (in a clandeitine ways to others