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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.2

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and in some Instances change back
again, and thus, what ought to be esteem
ed the most Devious & important Connec
tion in Life, is lightly formed & dissolved
and shifted about in a manner unknown
among a People rightly Civilized -- In these
separations the Mother takes the Children & uses them Kindly
They are very fond of Children & indulge them
in most of their Wishes using little restraint
or Conection of any Kind, yet sometimes
if Obstinate, tho' very young, they will
plunge them in the River & if one Dip is
not sufficient it is repeated till they be
come very quiet, which they soon do.
as the Children get a little older they
will sometimes talk to them a long time
in a Kind of harrangue or Speech
setting forth what the Child should
do & what leave undone-- this at
times has such an Effect that the
Tears will trickle down their Cheeks
of the Child before the speech is
ended-- at other times they ridi
cule them for doing wrong and tell
them they are not wise in doing so.
to tell an Indian that he is not wise is a grating stigma.

When a Person has been Sick for a con
siderable Time in a lingering condition &