time of the Day the sun would become Dark
this they would not
believe & one of them gave
him to understand that he believed he told
Lie- when Joel
Person Information
on he went to the House & brought to the
Barn a piece of smoked Glass & desired the
Indians, who disbelieved to look thro' it- he acknowledged he
saw something which he could not under
stand- when it was about half on they
lookd at it again & then began to be con
vinced that it would be as Joel had represen
ted- he then told them they might see that
while People knew more than Indians &
that they could tell these thing for years
before they happened- This Eclipse here
was total & Joel
Person Information
in a clear star light night when there is no
Moon- the Stars were then Vissible & the
Darkness such as to make it Dangerous be
ing aloft in the Building- the air had the
feeling & dampness of the Evening- Jonathan
Person Information
related a circumstance a little similar
of an Indian Man since he has been with
them at the time of an Eclipse of the
moon. the Indian would not believe him
till seaming obliged conviction, when wrap
ping himself in his Blanket & lying down
he said he was a Poor Indian & that while