Folks knew every thing- As we were
going to Bed T Stewardson
Person Information
must return about 10 miles by the same
road when we go to Cattaraugus
Place Information
getting to Sleep I dreamd that we were on
our Way & had some rugged steeps to Contend
with but my Dear Father I thought was in
Company & my Companion - I then thought I had got to
Burlington & met with many of my Friends there.
shook hands with James Sterling & crossd
the Street desiring to go into my own Hab
itation but the Buildings seemd changed-
I then found myself setting in Unkle
Robert Smith
Person Information
Connections & Friends came in & we had
an affectionate meeting & felt near to each
other but I could not reconcile being there
to my own mind- sometimes I concluded
it must be a Dream, but it continued so
long & seemd so like a reality that I began
to question whether I was in my right mind
I at lenghth concluded it could not be real
I told Mother that altho mentally I was
thus with them my Body was far
distant & I must return - I was begin
ning to relate my persuasion that this