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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.1

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& dind on our own Provisions--Peach Trees here
look healthy & are pretty full--no
marks of frost here--rode to Muncy

17 miles in the afternoon--on our way
crossd the Muncy Mountain at least
3 miles across the top & the Muncy
which is a fine stream--
lodgd at Mercy Elliss--the Widow
of William--our ride to day is calld
30 Miles.

1st Day 10th.

Attended Muncy Meetg

about a long Mile from Mercy Ellis's, where
we went back to Dine havg left our
Horses to rest--Amos Lea, an Old Woman
& Jesse Haines appeard acceptably in
the Ministry--after Dinner went to a
little Town calld Newberry where we
lodgd at Sloanes Tavern--calld 15 miles
from Muncy--on our way forded the Loy
al sock & Lycoming Creeks, both
beautiful streams, very Clear & fine
gravelly Bottoms--about 3 miles back
we also passd thro Williamsport which
is the County Town their Court