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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.1

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us with a View to take a look at new
Lands--we left here about 10 oclock
stopd a little while at Geo William

abington (about 10 Miles) where we met
with Thomas Wistar & Jno & Chas Shoe
maker who a hearty fellow Labouring in the work wishd to bid us farewell
& good speed on our intended journey --
leavg here we reachd Saml Lindzley
& near Plymouth meeting House
(ab. 10 miles ) & Dind on a Dish of Cof
fee at 3 oCloc-- here we were
joind by Tho Stewardson--a Third
member of our Com. & after Din.
proceeded via Norris Town (the Cap
ital of Montgom. County)--& crosing
Perkiomining at Vanderslices had
got to John Jacob's about sun
set--our ride was very plea
sant being on on the Banks of the
Schoolkill which sometimes
opend to our View to the south
ward & the prospects of the oppo
site Hills & intervening Vales
were very agreeable, more exp