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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.1

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especially to a young Traveller
unaccustomed to scenery so extensive
& Diversified--a kink reception & a
good supper were en
joyed at the place I believe
by us all & on my part I can say
were crownd with a peaceful Mind.
Jn. Jacobs

is about 48 years of age--has been a
Down many years--is a very agreeable sen
sible Friend but in declining Health. this
is about 12 Miles from Providence Meeting House

Day the 6.

All Well this morng--
after Breakfast--left Jn Jacobs

House &
himself accompanying us ab. 8 miles out
our Way. We forded the schuylkell
& taking the Reading Road crossg
French Creek & fording Schuylkill
again, reachd Potts Town (13 miles)
where we fed at Shiveleys Tavern--
then crossing the Monnatawny Toll Bridge & continuing on the Reading Road &
up the schuylkill about 8 miles--in
view of & riding among the Monnatony
reachd Benjamin Wrights
about 1/2 part One with a good appatite