Perplex'd with various reports, and
contradictory opinions.- it is said,
American A:rmy ie still advancing, and
that an encampment is form
'd, in front of
Fort Jefferson
Place Information
last Battle was fought.- that the Indians
are more & more settled in their
determination, that nothing short of the
boundary line being fixt on the River Ohio,
will ever induce them to lay down the
Hatchet, - that, in consequence of this
resolution, they have sent a deputation
to the Commissioners at Niagara
Place Information
if their instructions does not impower
them to make such a Cession, to prevent
their taking the unnecessary trouble of
coming forward any further.- indeed,
it seems to be the prevailing opinion of
the day, that there will be no Treaty at
all. - A number of Philadelphia and
New York News Papers came to Colt England
Person Information
by the Ottaway, some as late as the 23d of
last Month, since we have been favour'd