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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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of freedom, and a most determined opposer of slavery,
wherever it prevailed.

Mr. Eddy

was, from the establishment of the Ame-
rican Bible Society
, a cordial and active friend and
manager of the institution, where his conduct, in
promoting its great objects, was always marked by
the most liberal and orthodox temper and principles.
An extensive correspondence with persons of distinc-
tion in Europe, and particularly in Great Britain,
rendered his name and his character familiar to many
of the great philanthropists of the age; and his
death will be lamented by his friends in that coun-
try, as well as in this, as a public loss.

Freedom's Journal, September, 1827.

DIED, in this city, on the 16th instant, full of
years, and full of honours, rested from his labours,
that his works might follow him, the Christian,
the patriot, and the Philanthropist, Thomas Eddy

Esq. His family and friends are not called upon to
sorrow, as those who have no hope; but, with delight,
may dwell upon the truths of the Gospel, as exem-
plified in the character of the husband, the father,
and the friend. Let me die the death of the right-
eous, and let my last end be like unto his.

The name of Thomas Eddy

, and the deeds of worth
which filled up his life, will be remembered and
revered by the coloured population of our country,
and their descendants, to the latest generations.

Commercial Advertiser, September, 1827.

DIED, yesterday morning, in the 70th year of his
age, Thomas Eddy

, for many years a highly respect-
able and useful citizen. He was an active member
of most of our charitable institutions, in whose wel-
fare and prosperity he was deeply interested, and in
whose service most of the latter part of his life was
spent. As a governor of the New York Hospital, he
was eminently useful, and by his firmness of character,