meeting of the Governors of the New York Hospital
held 2d instant, the following resolution was passed.
Resolved, That this Board has heard with
regret the decease of their late President, Thomas
a long course of years, to the promotion of objects of
philanthropy, and of public utility, has deservedly
acquired the esteem of his fellow citizens in general;
and by his many and important services to this In-
stitution, has merited particularly the gratitude of its
Governors, and of all who are interested in its pros-
The periodicals of the day, in their obituary notices,
seemed to vie with
each other in paying their tributes
of respect to his memory. Two or three
of these
notices are before us, and demand from their intrinsic
an insertion among the matters contained in
this life of this distinguished
New YorkPlace Information Daily Advertiser, September, 1827.
In the death of Thomas Eddy
tioned in our paper of yesterday, the community
have lost a most worthy and benevolent individual,
and the Society of Friends, to which he belonged, a
most respectable and valuable member. A large
portion of a long life has been spent in active useful-
ness, and in promoting, by his efficient aid, almost
every public institution of charity and benevolence.
For a long time he has been concerned in the go-
vernment of the Hospital
a great measure, owing to his exertions, that the
Lunatic Asylum was established and endowed.
He was an early friend and supporter of the Peni-
tentiary system of
punishment;—a zealous patron of
the free schools, he encouraged, to
the utmost of
his power, every important project for the
of general education; he was a most cordial friend