ner of making the communication. I will add, that
if it
should he concluded, that such a communication
ought to be made, it
would have an incalculable good
effect, if it could be presented to
our legislature
about the time that the Commissioners offer
annual report. This may be done, if your legisla-
meets in January, as I am informed it
I send by the mail, two copies of our reports to
the legislature, and
a letter from Robert Fulton
G. Morris
shall be very glad to hear from thee soon by mail, And am, &c., THOMAS EDDY
I was favoured, about ten days ago, with your
letter of the 28th ultimo, enclosing the copy of
from you, of a prior date, to Mr. Barent
The shortness of the days, and the pressure of my
agency business,
with some other circumstances, not
necessary to be mentioned, have
prevented me from
returning you an earlier answer.
As yet, I have received no communication from
Mr. Wright
he was to set on foot, at Rome
Last week there was a meeting of the Directors
of the Seneca Canal
Company, in this village; and
I embraced the opportunity, which the
afforded, of consulting the Directors on the
of the proposed Canal,
from Rome
them unanimously of opinion, that the measure was
well calculated to improve the navigation—that it
ought to be zealously pursued—and that they would
individually contribute their best endeavours to pro-
mote its success.
The work of canalling the Seneca Falls,
is pro-
gressing with every prospect of being completed by